Law enforcement officials shut down parts of Jefferson City this morning after learning of a possible hostage situation in the Governor's Office Building.
But officials aren't sure yet whether the incident is real or a false alarm.
Capt. Tim Hull of the Missouri Highway Patrol said that the Jefferson City Police Department got a call from an alarm company about a hostage situation on the 5th floor of the downtown Jefferson City building.
Hull said the alarm company received a call from a woman heard over an intercom that there was a hostage situation. There have been no other calls or reports since, Hull said.
Capt. Mike Smith of the Jefferson City Police Department said there have been no shots fired and no casualties. Both Hull and Smith said it's not known whether the situation is an actual hostage situation or a hoax.
The situation prompted police to shut down most of High Street. The building is in close proximity to the Governor's Mansion.
A SWAT team was called in and numerous helicopters circled around the building.
The fifth floor is home to the Public Service Commission, a quasi-judicial agency that regulates utilities in Missouri.