One of the lingering controversies in the federal health care debate is whether the minimum Medicaid eligibility rate will go up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level.
That would affect Missouri, which has one of the lowest eligibility rates in the nation. But while Gov. Jay Nixon has been somewhat mum on the subject, other governors - including Democratic ones - are raising alarm. Some worry the increase would amount to an unfunded mandate that would hurt state budgets.
I asked Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, about the issue after she finished a town hall forum in Jefferson City:
That would affect Missouri, which has one of the lowest eligibility rates in the nation. But while Gov. Jay Nixon has been somewhat mum on the subject, other governors - including Democratic ones - are raising alarm. Some worry the increase would amount to an unfunded mandate that would hurt state budgets.
I asked Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, about the issue after she finished a town hall forum in Jefferson City: