The Politico detailed today how U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt is mulling over a bid for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by U.S. Sen. Kit Bond, R-Missouri.
Sources told Politico reporter Josh Kraushaar that the Strafford Republican is rounding up fundraising support for the contest. The moves could freeze out potentially serious competitors - such as former U.S. Sen. Jim Talent, R-Missouri, and former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman - from running.
Kraushaar also wrote that Steelman might have to look to "D.C.-based conservative organizations looking for an anti-establishment candidate in line with their agenda." One organization that seems to fit that mold is the Club for Growth, a group that Steelman cited during the GOP gubernatorial primary to criticize U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof's spending record. The group made waves by throwing money behind then-state Rep. Bob Onder's unsuccessful congressional bid.
The group hasn't been shy about shaking the cage of the Republican establishment. They have been fiercely critical, for instance, of Bond's record on spending over the last few years.
Club for Growth spokeswoman Nachama Soloveichik said her organization hasn't made a decision on who to support in the Missouri's 2010 Senate race.
"We're looking at it. We're looking at all of the open Senate seats," Soloveichik said. "It's pretty early. So, the extent to which we're looking is not so intense yet. We're nowhere near making an endorsement and I don't know if we will. That's going to come somewhere down the pipe."
Soloveichik might have a point. Blunt and Steelman haven't even officially announced they will run for the seat.
"It just depends," said Soloveichik when asked if the Missouri Senate contest would get a closer look because it's a vacant seat. "It depends on who's running, what the field looks like, what the other seats look like. There are too many variables. It's impossible to know right now."
Soloveichik added that none of the potential Republican candidates have personally reached out to Club for Growth. She said she would get back to me if she found out anything different.
Secretary of State Robin Carnahan is widely considered the Democratic choice to run for Bond's seat.
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